Monday, November 16, 2009

Fort Hood attack unrelated to Islam, local Muslim leaders say

Just more evidence Muslim is the new "black" . . . one Muslim commits a crime and all Muslims are to blame. Even though many other soldiers have committed murder, their ethc/religious
Leaders of Metro Detroit's Muslim community gathered this morning to urge all Americans to view the Fort Hood shooting as a criminal act and unrelated to the faith of Islam.

"Islam opposes such actions as committed by Maj. (Nidal Malik) Hasan. The Qur'an considers human life sacred," Imam Steve Elturk of the Islamic Association of North America said Friday morning at a press conference called by the Council of Islamic Organizations of Michigan.

Army officials have said they believe Hasan acted alone when he jumped on a table with two handguns, shouted, "Allahu akbar," a common Arabic expression meaning "God is the greatest," and opened fire inside a building at Fort Hood, Texas.

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