Thursday, October 14, 2010

America's True History of Religious Tolerance

Wading into the controversy surrounding an Islamic center planned for a site near New York City’s Ground Zero memorial this past August, President Obama declared: “This is America. And our commitment to religious freedom must be unshakeable. The principle that people of all faiths are welcome in this country and that they will not be treated differently by their government is essential to who we are.” In doing so, he paid homage to a vision that politicians and preachers have extolled for more than two centuries—that America historically has been a place of religious tolerance. It was a sentiment George Washington voiced shortly after taking the oath of office just a few blocks from Ground Zero.

But is it so?

Read more . . .

A good look at the actual history of religious tolerance. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Gay Suicide Link Dump

Just wanted to put this out here.  Homosexuality is a "sin" that most religions hate.  The attitudes of parents and the filth spewed by ministers, far too many of which are secretly gay or sexually abuse boys, is to blame. 

Teenager Justin Aaberg Killed Himself Over Gay Bullying.
Parents say bullies drove their son to take his life 
Bullied Tehachapi gay teen Seth Walsh dies after suicide attempt
Rutgers student Tyler Clementi's suicide spurs action across U.S.
Gay 19-yr-old kills self after anti-gay city council meeting   (Probably a coincidence: 4.3 magnitude earthquake shakes Oklahoma

Haters gonna hate

Library card protest over witchcraft 

A Wairarapa Christian minister is crusading against what he says is Masonic paganism by renouncing his library card.

John Cromarty, of St David's Church in Carterton, objects to a Masonic Lodge being used as a temporary library because he says the group is connected to witchcraft, the Wairarapa Times-Age reports.

In a letter to Carterton Mayor Gary McPhee, Mr Cromarty said he and his wife had handed in their library cards and were asking their friends not to visit the lodge, which was housing the town's books while a new events centre was built.

He said while Freemasonry did some good in the community and portrayed a facade of being compatible with Christianity, its foundations were rooted in witchcraft and paganism.

A past master and a Freemason of the lodge, Warwick Cashmore, said Mr Cromarty's attitude was extremely disappointing.

"The basic tenants of freemasonry are brotherly love, relief, and truth," he said.


How silly is this?  First of all, the roots of Freemasonry are in Catholicism.  Second, hasn't he read his damned book?  A tree will be known by its fruit.  I guess at least he isn't trying to ban books or burn the Masonic Hall down.