I am a Democrat, and I am in support of my President. That being said....I am as you are today very hurt, angry, and I want all Muslims out of my country. Having said that I doubt I will ever see that. However there should not be people serving in the Military who have a belief that we are to be killed by them and they will be rewarded.She has the temerity to say we shouldn't allow Muslims in the military because "You wouldn't have sex offender baby sit...or a robber guard the jewels."There is no real way to identify a person who is a true American, but by country origin, and faith, and belief system of the people who embrace those philosophies. They must not be permitted to be in service to America ,because they do not serve the same ideas and honor life as we do...these people should not be accepted in the Armed forces.
I personally have the right to feel as I do be it Bigot , or whatever name you wish to call me....but I assure you I am a true American and as an American I am speaking my mind.
This is not a Bush or Obama problem, it is too easy to put it on the shoulders of one person. It is time that we as Americans stand together and sign one huge petition to be heard....set a precedent to let our Federal Government and all it's leaders know that we do not accept traitors or killers into our armed services.
That not as Democrats or Republicans , but as Citizens we are joined together and we do not want Muslims who do not share our beliefs about human life to serve in any capacity in our armed forces.
We do not reject people but we do reject a whole philosophy that permits, encourages, and approves of death as a means to promote a faith based idea that killing in some way is an honorable way to attain any entrance to any after death privilege.or honor. This is counter productive and does not serve the purpose of a military entity solely carried forth for the purpose of protecting life.
If you do agree , please use this or any of my words combined with yours to form a petition and circulate it in any way it can be done for the sole purpose of forbidding the entrance into any Armed Forces Branch to serve in the the United States of American Armed Forces or Federal Civil Services if of any Faith contrary to the Constitution of the United States of America, and all definitions of the laws of the Land known as The United States of America, all of its people and it's Government.
We the people propose that no sect, group, religion, or belief that accepts that to die in anyway, shape or form to promote an after death position in any faith is barred from entrance or service to this country alongside those who are not in agreement with the concepts afore mentioned.
I do not possess the computer skills...or legal ability to compose a document to suffice I am sure...... I don't know how to reach from here to where it needs to be.... I will however be the first to sign my name...and affiliation. I am willing to sign if presented to me as a true and honest document to be presented for edification and consideration by the President of the Untied States of America as a unique and personal and serious desire to be heard and acted upon in our behalf under a Constitution that professes a Government to and for the people of the United States of America. ....similar to but not limited to the election process that confirmed his or her Presidency.
We request as a unique and official request with respect of the lay people of America to be heard and acknowledged as part of the promise we would be all inclusive as a part of our Freedom to choose the administration of our counties Government, and all of it's entities, and not limited to this issue.
We wish to be heard as to wishes of the signed citizenry of this country.
Doris Rotolo Democrat
That's right. The ignorant git actually is comparing millions of Americans to pedophiles and thieves based ONLY on their religion. Nevermind that all the worst murderers, baby rapers and immoral politicians in US history have been white Christian men. That the vast majority of violence committed by returning soldiers has been committed by white men but no one is saying the white Christians should be tossed out. No, but one Muslim man commits a crime, and suddenly an entire people should be ejected from our nation.
Let Ms. bottom feeder know what you think, email her at her publicly searchable email address. And join me in asking the President to find a new homeland for racists.
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